Friday, September 29, 2006

Milenyo - 28Sept06

8am - Arrived at work, rains and wind
9am - Winds picked up, rains got stronger, power fluctuation starts
10am - Power still fluctuation, network disconnected, winds stronger still, rains even stronger
1030am - Conference rooms in the new building begin to leak (did someone cut the budget a bit too much, or did it go down their pockets?). Pieces of roofing sheets begin flying off. Everybody rushes to the window hoping it doesn't land on thier car.
11am - We're off to the canteen. The 3rd floor starts getting flooded, people secure your electornics! Power is shutdown, AC is shutdown, network is dead.
12nn - Finished lunch, hung out at lobby. High tension wires shorted, current surges seen (scary).
1pm - Wind and rains dying down somewhat. Nobody is allowed off the plant. The entire plant is shutdown.
2pm - Waiting at the Bldg. 2 lobby, still stuck here. Waiting for a go signal to leave, management still meeting about stuff.
3pm - Waivers are signed, we head home. Light rains, no wind
330pm - Made our way through the uprooted trees of the subd.

4pm - Clean up the house, some water creeped in through the front door.
5pm - All done cleaning.


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