Tuesday, July 17, 2007

3 to 30

It is exactly 3 months 'til I turn 30. Yup, the big Three Zero. What? 30? Damn, that was fast. A couple of years ago I was submitting my papers hoping to graduate on time. Sheesh. Oh well, no biggie. What is it about turning 30 anyway?

I googled "turning 30" and got some interesting thoughts:

- a point where you begin taking more control of your life and steering it to a direction you want
- you become dour, unenergetic, and utterly serious
- my mother might stop insisting that she pay for dinner
- single women will think "potential husband" rather than "potential babysitter"
- was I truly where I wanted to be and doing what I wanted to do?
- Be thankful that you're thirty, some people don't get the chance to even make it to 30, due to illnesses, or bad things that are beyond their control
- You're only 5 years away from your first prostrate exam. Let's get fired up!
- Start an emergency fund
- Think about how spotty you were in your teens, how drunk you got at your 21st and how broke you were in your 20s and thank your lucky stars that you won't ever have to go through that again
- Unless you make it into one, turning 30 is not a death sentence
- As one young man leaves his 20s behind, Idealism gives way to practicality. Almost.
- If at age 20 you are not a Communist then you have no heart. If at age 30 you are not a Capitalist then you have no brains. (George Bernard Shaw)
- I’ve learned that I don’t have to settle. I have every day of my life to do that… why do it today, or even tomorrow for that matter?
- I'm going to wear black socks with sandals ... and lots and lots of plaid
- Joseph who was thirty when he started ruling Egypt. He was a prisoner turned king.
- 30 is an age when reality strikes and firmly takes hold
- Is it any coincidence that the Roman numerals for 30 are XXX?
- Twenty-eight of my years have been spent anticipating new Star Wars movies
- The days of partying on rooftops with cases and cases of Bud and scantily clad women, finishing the late night downing pizza, pancakes or burgers (or all three) are numbered
- I’m a year closer to the inevitable talk behind my back by co-workers, friends and family, “Still single, eh? Maybe he’s gay.
- Let’s leave on a positive: I can date 40 year-old-women and their 20-year-old daughters!
- Lest you forget, everyone you know will remind you that you indeed are fucking old. They're not just giving you a hard time. This in fact is true. You are old.

Well, as for me, the next 3 months will be about getting in better shape, better results at work, shaking off the rust on my guitar playing, catching some waves, and not really worrying about The Day. What's there to worry about anyway?


Blogger The Nashman said...

happy bertdey kuya,

remember 30:

1.you outlived Hendrix, Joplin, Cobain by three years

2.Jesus outlives you by 3 years

so dapat, mas marami ka na-achieve kesa kina hendrix et al, pero not as much as jesus...(although merong halong daya kaya jesus coz he da son of god)

8:12 PM  
Blogger A Trading Ape said...

don't forget jim morrison

11:06 PM  

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