Monday, May 22, 2006

One Month Down...

Ah, finally, the weekend is here. It was a relatively hectic week. I've gotten involved in several projects and they're all pretty challenging. Some of which are on platforms I've never been exposed to. Oh well, that's something new to learn, and learning is always good.

The beetle's been running great, no problems throughout the week, thank God. I'd better check on the mustang's body/paint next week. Oh yeah, it's also due for registration. Ouch, all the expenses just keep piling up. I should keep unneeded costs to a minimum 'til June or July.

I've started playing Badminton again and I'm still looking for a place to practice Taekwondo. A few officemates and I are planning to get together and jam one of these days. We're getting rusty.

So far, so good. I've been for almost a month, I'm still adjusting but things are going okay so far. I hope the smooth sailing continues.


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